COMPANY Company Profile

Since our foundation, we were aiming to popularize Amorphous Transformers that contribute to a Carbon-Free society by significantly reducing standby power.
Recently, our core business is to offer grid connection equipment for Mega-Solar, propose decarbonizing and environment-friendly Solar Self-Consumption equipment and Gas Standby Generator.
Recently, our core business is to offer grid connection equipment for Mega-Solar, propose decarbonizing and environment-friendly Solar Self-Consumption equipment and Gas Standby Generator.
We also provide a wide range of products such as Cubicle-Type High-Voltage Substation equipment that takes lesser space and maintainability into account, and a Removable HDMI Full Fiber System features workability and enables long-distance visual transmission.
In order to build a Carbon-Free society in the future, we will continue to Differentiate ourselves not only in Renewable Energy, but also by Minimize the size of our products and proposing Environment-Friendly systems timely.
We will be a partner of our customers, understand sensibilities and sensation.
So that we can provide service that touch your heart.
We will be a partner of our customers, understand sensibilities and sensation.
So that we can provide service that touch your heart.
We look forward to your continued support of EIKOH Brand, which means "Prosper together, Well-Being to our company."
EIKOH Co., Ltd.
President and CEO Akihiko Takashi
Company Profile
Trade Name
EIKOH Co., Ltd. -
CEO Akihiko Takashi -
December 2006 -
20 million JPY -
Number of Employee
19 -
Keihan Fujinomori-Bldg. Office Building 3F, 10-1 Fukakusa Hotta-Cho, Kyoto city Fushimi-
Ku, Kyoto-Fu, 612-0026, Japan
TEL:+81(75)647-3266 FAX: +81 (75)643-4681 -
East Japan Office
REID-C Akihabara-Bldg., 402, 3-4-3 Iwamoto-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 101-0032, Japan
TEL: +81 (3)6908-8993 FAX: +81 (3)6908-6803 -
Fukuoka Office
Corporate House Toko 205, 2-17-17, Toko, Hakata-Ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka-Ken, 812-
0008, Japan
TEL: +81 (92)409-0750 -
Taiwan Office
13F, No. 191, Fuxing N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105, Taiwan
TEL: +81-80-8756-2372 -
Propose Domestic and foreign Transformers, imported overseas Cables
Renewable Energy related products
Electrical work related to the above, and all other related business -
Major Customer
Asahi Dengyo Co., Ltd, Kankyo Hastsuden Corporation, Sumiden Shoji Co.,Ltd,
KANDENKO CO., LTD, Kinden Corporation, Kyocera Communication Systems Co., Ltd,
Major Supplier
Walsin Lihwa Corp., CHU LEI ELECTRIC CO., LTD, Fortune Electric Co., Ltd, Shihlin
Electirc&Engineering Corp., Hitachi Metals, Ltd., JIB ELECTRIC, TORISHIMA ELECTRIC
WORKS LTD., INABA DENKI SANGYO CO., LTD., NISSIN DENKI SHOJI., LTD, Eishin International Co., Ltd., CA Plant Co., Ltd. -
SHIGA BANK ltd.(Kyoto South Branch), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation(Fushimi Branch), Bank of Kyoto, Ltd.(Inari Branch),Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank(Fujinomori Branch), THE KYOTO SHINKIN BANK(Inari Branch) -
Financial Report
End of September (Once a Year) -
Construction Permit
Approved by the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture
Specific Construction Business (Electrical Construction Business) -
Website -
Related Company
Corporate History
Dec. 2006
Established with 1 million yen company capital (independent from JapanGrandPowerRiver Co., Ltd. Special Machinery Division)
Started trading with Taiwanese cable manufacturer Walsin Lihwa Corp. -
Delivered 600V 1,000sq flexible cable 10,000m for electric furnace factory in Tohoku area. -
Started importing LED made in Taiwan.
Delivered ceiling light to major supermarkets in Shiga prefecture. -
Absorbed affiliated company JapanGrandPowerRiver Co., Ltd. was absorbed.
Increased capital to 10 million yen.
Established EIKOH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. in Taipei City, Taiwan.
Introduced new amorphous transformer (made in Taiwan), Delivered 10 amorphous molded transformers to a new factory of a major electric company in Japan. -
Delivered 30 amorphous Scott-T transformers for JR data centers.
Introduced surface-light-source LED module "iLED", which was broadcasted in "Trend Tamago" of TV TOKYO WBS. -
The renewable energy feed-in tariff started in July.
Started amorphous step-up
transformer business. -
Expanded the business of 1,000V compatible cables and amorphous step-up transformers mainly in the Okayama and Hiroshima areas. -
Started the business of 22kV power receiving container and substation container (Tr + PCS). -
The headquarter was expanded to celebrate the 10th anniversary of establishment. -
Established E-Totalink, a company that designs, sells, and constructs renewable energy power receiving station, with three other companies in Japan and overseas. -
Transfer East Japan Office for expansion. -
Opened Fukuoka Office. -
Increased capital to 20 million.
Acquired a specific construction business permit(electrical construction business). -
Started the business of gas standby generators. -
Established Taiwan Office.
Started the business of inverters made in Taiwan.